How to choose a cotton mattress

Cotton filling

To fill the product using special clothing wool, and not intended for medical purposes. Its quality is easy to understand by reading the label, for example, GOST 5679-85 (cotton sewing cotton), and GOST 63.13-79 (mattress made by recycling). GOST 63.14-79 (this is a type of sewing wool with secondary raw materials).

These types of cotton wool are durable, do not stray into lumps. They comply with the optimal proportions between long and short fibers.

Sometimes the manufacturer uses natural material for filling (regenerated fiber). According to the characteristics, they do not differ from filling with ordinary cotton wool. They are divided into types:

  • filling using wool residues;
  • mixed filling (consists of synthetic fiber and natural);
  • synthetic fiber based filling.

The first two varieties of cotton mattress filler are the most practical to use.

Mattress cover

Before buying, you should pay attention to the density of the material and the seams themselves. Teak, calico, calico, chintz, chintz having a density of 110 to 190 g / m2.

Filling density

With a standard stuffing mattress with a size of 160 by 190 cm, the weight of the product should be at least 13 kg. For narrow mattresses measuring 90 by 190 cm, the filler weighs 7 kg, and for 80 by 190 cm: 6 kg, for 70 by 190 cm about 5 kg.

For mattresses of size 140 by 190 cm weight is 9 kg, and for 140 by 190 cm - 11 kg.

Mattress stitch

Product quality also depends on the frequency of stitches, for example, for a mattress with a width 90 cm is 36 peaks, for width from 70 to 80 cm - 27 peaks. And for wider products:

  • 160 cm - 63 peaks;
  • 140 cm - 45 peaks;
  • 120 cm - 54 peaks.

Which mattress is better - cotton, simple foam or polyurethane foam

Cotton mattress pros and cons, durability

The ratio of long to short fibers is important in this product (a product with short fibers makes it flat, but reduces weight). Short fibers make the mattress heavier.

Benefits: natural material, heat retention and environmental friendliness


  • fast lumping of filler into lumps
  • quickly lose sight
  • are squeezed for 2-3 months of constant sleep
  • poorly ventilated
  • harmful microorganisms start in it
  • bad effect on the spine
  • may deform posture

For reference: Duration of operation: 5 years.

Foam Mattress Pros and Cons

Foam-based mattresses are very easy to transport; they are light and compact. They have high elasticity and softness.

They are quickly pressed, but the filler in them does not go astray. They are very sensitive to moisture from the human body; under the influence of a liquid, foam rubber is rapidly destroyed.

If open fire occurs, then such a mattress quickly lights up, and the mattress itself serves no more than 5 years.

Polyurethane foam mattress pros and cons

The filler used for the mattress is a synthetic analogue of latex known to all. It has a microstructure of small cells. Visually, it resembles foam, but has the best quality.

The life of such a product is higher than that of the above. It is better than cotton wool in quality, it is more comfortable to sleep on it. A latex mattress has orthopedic properties. The cost of such mattresses is low.


  • not completely hypoallergenic
  • crumbles over time
  • harder than natural latex, especially at the beginning of operation
  • sleep on it hot
  • is pressed according to the body shape of the sleeping person (after 3 years of use)
  • heavy.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a cotton mattress is a convenient budget option for a short period of time. It can serve at a time when you need a mattress, and there is no way to buy a more expensive analog with high-quality filling.

Important! In the long run, it can do much harm to health, because it is poorly ventilated and does not have an orthopedic effect. It can cause allergies. In everyday life, such a mattress is not very comfortable because of its severity.

But if you decide to buy just such a mattress, then you should pay attention to the quality of the stitches, the naturalness of the filler, the material from which the cover is made.

Watch the video: Mattress Buying Guide. Consumer Reports (April 2024).

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