How often do I need to move furniture and clean it

To maintain cleanliness in the living room, it is necessary to regularly carry out dry and wet cleaning. Each apartment has hard-to-reach spots. How to maintain cleanliness throughout the house and not get tired when carrying out large-scale spring cleaning?

How often do you need to move furniture to clean it

If you live in a large house, and the family is large, then cleaning will be required more often. Conversely, if you live alone in a huge apartment or house, then you will need to clean up much less often.

But whatever the area of ​​the room, in every home there is oversized furniture that needs to be moved away. If this is not done, then dust and dirt that has accumulated behind the furniture cannot be removed.

All heavy and oversized furniture must be moved back once a year. Also annually it is necessary to vacuum the carpet from the back. Do not forget about curtains.

Wash walls and all lighting fixtures once a year.

What hard-to-reach spots are in the apartment and how often do I have to clean

A high-quality cleaning of living quarters differs from the usual one in that after it is carried out, there are no dusty and dirty places in the apartment and house.

But in order to reign in every corner, you first need to find this corner. To make your life easier, we’ll tell you which places are the most inaccessible in the living room:

  1. The space behind the batteries and ventilation screens. Typically, the batteries are separated by a grill from the main room. In this case, warm air circulates in space. Over time, dirt and dust begin to accumulate behind the batteries and ventilation grilles. If you do not clean, then the dust will begin to have a negative effect on the human body. The accumulated dust is constantly heated and partially burned. Because of this, an unpleasant odor appears in the room. The more dust accumulated, the worse the room is ventilated. Therefore, the air becomes dirty, stale. It is necessary to carry out cleaning in these places monthly. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner with the appropriate nozzle or a narrow brush.
  2. The space above the cabinets, mezzanine. These places are located high, often they are not used, so dust is not visible. But with a draft, it rises with a stream of air and easily penetrates the lungs. Once a week, you need to wipe the mezzanines and the space above the cabinets with a damp cloth. The top of the cabinets can be covered with newspapers. When cleaning, it is enough to clean the newspapers - all the dust will remain on them.
  3. The upper part of the doors. The situation is similar to the space above the cabinets. Wipe the doors once a week with a soft, damp cloth.
  4. Under the sofa. It should be cleaned every time you wet the room. If there is not enough space between the floor and the sofa so that a hand penetrates into it, use the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner.
  5. Shelving. You do not use books and service for several people daily. Therefore, a huge amount of dust accumulates on them. Wipe books and utensils once a month with a damp cloth.
  6. Oven. Optimal - wash the oven after each use. But few people do this, so fat and soot remain on the inside of the oven. When the oven is heated, the fat begins to burn and emits an unpleasant odor. Therefore, you need to arm yourself with special cleaning products and remove all dirt. The procedure must be carried out as the oven becomes dirty or at least once a month.
  7. Sink and lower part of the bath. In some ways, they are like an area under a sofa. But the dirt in the bathroom is wet. If it is not removed, the dust will begin to rot over time. Therefore, once every two weeks carry out wet cleaning under the bathtub and wipe the bottom of the sink.

Doing wet cleaning, do not forget about inaccessible places. The house will be clean only if you regularly remove accumulated dirt and dust in every corner of the room.

Watch the video: Carpet Cleaning. Frequently Asked Questions. Moving Furniture (May 2024).

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