Is it possible to store bread in a plastic bread bin

Plastic products surround us everywhere: these are goods for the home and garden, car accessories and children's toys. Plastic has become so firmly entrenched in our lives that we take it for granted without thinking about the consequences.

However, in certain situations it is worth looking a little further than simple convenience. For example, when buying a bread box. About whether to trust plastic storage of bakery products or better to refrain from such an acquisition, we will tell in this article.

Bright, smooth, easy-to-care plastic bread bins are often perceived by housewives as convenient and practical utensils. However, behind the lightness and visual appeal is often a real threat to health. Such a popular and widespread plastic contains toxic compounds. Standing out, they literally soak foods. Bread stored in plastic containers becomes a "silent enemy" for all family members.

The most common plastic toxins are Phthalate and Bisphenol-A. Thanks to them, products become smooth and durable. These toxins act on the human body in a complex manner, affecting simultaneously different organ systems.

  • Immunity weakens, resistance to viral and infectious diseases decreases.
  • The risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system increases significantly.
  • Blood quality is getting worse.
  • Irreversible changes in brain tissue occur.
  • The likelihood of developing diabetes is increasing.
  • Hormonal background failure.
  • Due to carcinogenic activity, the risk of developing and growing cancer cells increases.

These are the disappointing results of scientific research. However, do not go to extremes, trying to get rid of everything that is made of plastic. In some situations, it is enough to be aware and minimize the risks.

Most bakery products contain yeast. This means that rolls, bread and loaves are prone to mold. Heat and tightness contribute to this process.

To preserve the freshness of products and reduce the negative impact of plastic containers, it is important to follow simple recommendations:

  • If you have enough bread for several days, leave only the amount you can eat today for the bread box. Put the rest in the refrigerator. Due to low temperatures, molds cannot reproduce. Products will retain their taste.
  • When placing bread in a plastic container, cover it with a cotton towel: in this case, the interaction of the rolls and plastic will be minimal. But never put the product in a bag. Firstly, bread will simply "suffocate". Secondly, polyethylene is the same plastic: if in the refrigerator it does not affect the taste and composition of bread, then at room temperature such a close proximity to food will not bring anything good.
  • Keep the plastic bread bin away from heaters. It is extremely important to protect the tank from direct sunlight. Otherwise, you will get a “nuclear” mixture: toxic plastic, heat, and mildew-prone products. Neither safety nor quality of bread in such conditions is out of the question. The ideal place for the breadbox is dark, dry and cool.

TIP. Experienced housewives argue that if fresh bread is removed in a plastic bag in the freezer, then after defrosting it will be so fragrant and tender. In order to move away from the cold, products need about two hours.

Summing up, we can draw conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of plastic bread bins.

The obvious benefits include:

  • light weight;
  • easy care;
  • outward appeal.

Disadvantages, unfortunately, no less. And they clearly outweigh the pros.

  • Threat to family health. Of course, a short impact will not have a significant role. But if you add the minutes to the hours that will become years, the harm from the plastic bread box does not seem like a trifle. Just as water sharpens a stone, plastic enters the human body, disrupting its normal activity. This is especially true for those who have children.
  • Specific operating conditions. The precautions described above can and should be followed. And yet it’s not very convenient to constantly be on the alert. A good old tree, for example, does not create such problems and causes more confidence - if only because it is a natural material.
  • Another drop in the ocean.We are surrounded by plastic on all sides and every minute we inhale its harmful fumes. It would seem that this is just a bread box, which does not stand out much from the general background. But any vessel is once filled - and there is simply no place for the last drop. We are not able to completely avoid interaction with plastic. But it is within our power to reduce its quantity in the space surrounding us as much as possible.

The modern world often presents us with a choice, posing danger as a sweet candy. Knowing the facts makes it easier to counter threats. And even if the choice in favor of natural materials seems insignificant at the moment. But it is from such trifles that a full-fledged healthy life is formed.

Watch the video: Bread Storage Solution How I Store My Bread Small Kitchen Organization Noreen's Kitchen (April 2024).

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